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July 28, 2022 | H. R. 4346

The CHIPS and Science Act will boost American semiconductor research, development, and production, ensuring U.S. leadership in the technology that forms the foundation of everything from automobiles to household appliances to defense systems. Additionally, the law will also ensure the United States maintains and advances its scientific and technological edge. 

The CHIPS and Science Act will:

  • Bolster U.S. leadership in semiconductors. The CHIPS and Science Act provides $52.7 billion for American semiconductor research, development, manufacturing, and workforce development. 
  • It also provides a 25 percent investment tax credit for capital expenses for manufacturing of semiconductors and related equipment. These incentives will secure domestic supply, create tens of thousands of good-paying, union construction jobs and thousands more high-skilled manufacturing jobs, and catalyze hundreds of billions more in private investment.

The bill requires recipients to demonstrate significant worker and community investments, including opportunities for small businesses and disadvantaged communities, ensuring semiconductor incentives support equitable economic growth and development.

These funds also come with strong guardrails, ensuring that recipients do not build certain facilities in China and other countries of concern, and preventing companies from using taxpayer funds for stock buybacks and shareholder dividends. It will also support good-paying, union construction jobs by requiring Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates for facilities built with CHIPS funding.

  • Promote U.S. innovation in wireless supply chains. The law includes $1.5 billion for promoting and deploying wireless technologies that use open and interoperable radio access networks. This investment will boost U.S. leadership in wireless technologies and their supply chains.

The CHIPS and Science Act will establish a technology, innovation, and partnerships directorate at the National Science Foundation (NSF) to focus on fields like semiconductors and advanced computing, advanced communications technology, advanced energy technologies, quantum information technologies, and biotechnology. It will strengthen commercialization of research and technology, ensuring that what is invented in America is made in America.

The Act will also reauthorize and expand fundamental and use-inspired research at the Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to sustain U.S. leadership in the sciences and engineering as the engine for American innovation.

  • Catalyze regional economic growth and development. The CHIPS and Science Act authorizes $10 billion to invest in regional innovation and technology hubs across the country, bringing together state and local governments, institutes of higher education, labor unions, businesses, and community-based organizations to create regional partnerships to develop technology, innovation, and manufacturing sectors.

    These hubs will create jobs, spur regional economic development, and position communities throughout the country to lead in high-growth, high-wage sectors such as artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, and clean energy technology. It also authorizes a $1 billion RECOMPETE pilot program at the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) to alleviate persistent economic distress and support long-term comprehensive economic development and job creation in the most distressed communities.
  • Provide STEM opportunities to more of America to participate in good-paying skilled jobs. To ensure more people from all backgrounds and all regions and communities around the country, especially people from marginalized, under-served, and under-resourced communities, can benefit from and participate in STEM education and training opportunities, the CHIPS and Science Act authorizes new and expanded investments in STEM education and training from K-12 to community college, undergraduate and graduate education.

This is Good for working people.

Vote result:

YEAs: 243 | NAYs: 187
Legislator Sort descending State District Party Vote
Rep. Mark Pocan WI 2 Democrat Yes
Rep. Katie Porter CA 47 Democrat Yes
Rep. Bill Posey FL 8 Republican No
Rep. Ayanna Pressley MA 7 Democrat Yes
Rep. David E. Price NC 4 Democrat Yes
Rep. Mike Quigley IL 5 Democrat Yes
Rep. Jamie Raskin MD 8 Democrat Yes
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler PA 14 Republican No
Rep. Tom Rice SC 7 Republican No
Rep. Kathleen Rice NY 4 Democrat Yes
Rep. Harold Rogers KY 5 Republican No
Rep. Mike D. Rogers AL 3 Republican No
Rep. John Rose TN 6 Republican No
Rep. Matt Rosendale MT 2 Republican No
Rep. Deborah Ross NC 2 Democrat Yes
Rep. David Rouzer NC 7 Republican No
Rep. Chip Roy TX 21 Republican No
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard CA 40 Democrat Yes
Rep. Raul Ruiz CA 25 Democrat Yes
Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger MD 2 Democrat Yes
2022 House Key Votes
  1. Confirmation of Janet Yellen as the Secretary of the Department of Treasury
  2. Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act
  3. NLRB Joint Employer Congressional Review Act
  4. Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act
  5. Equality Act
  6. Protecting the Right to Organize Act - Motion to Recommit
  7. American Rescue Plan Act
  8. Protecting the Right to Organize Act
  9. For the People Act
  10. Protecting the Right to Organize Act
  11. Raise the Wage Act
  12. Families First Coronavirus Response Act
  13. Expanding Access to Capital Act
  14. CARES Act
  15. Confirmation of Nicole Berner to U.S. Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit
  16. Families First Coronavirus Response Act
  17. Paycheck Fairness Act
  18. American Rescue Plan Act
  19. For the People Act
  20. Congressional Review Act
  21. Confirmation of Katherine Tai as the United States Trade Representative
  22. Confirmation of Marty Walsh as the Secretary of the Department of Labor
  23. Confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
  24. Paycheck Fairness Act
  25. Congressional Review Act
  26. Default on America Act
  27. Confirmation of Gwynne A. Wilcox to the National Labor Relations Board
  28. Equality Act
  29. Paycheck Fairness Act
  30. For the People Act
  31. John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
  32. CHIPS and Science Act
  33. Confirmation of Jennifer Abruzzo as NLBR General Counsel
  34. Confirmation of Gwynne Wilcox as Member of the NLRB
  35. Confirmation of David Prouty as Member of the NLRB
  36. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
  37. Inflation Reduction Act
  38. DISCLOSE Act
  39. DISCLOSE Act
  40. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
  41. Build Back Better Act (BBB)
  42. CHIPS and Science Act
  43. Inflation Reduction Act
  44. CARES Act