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November 19, 2021 | H. R. 5376

The Build Back Better Act will fund transformational priorities that our families and communities need to thrive and solve real problems that working people face. In short, it includes: 

  • Substantial penalties on employers and executives who break the law by threatening and firing workers who speak up to protect their rights on the job
  • Provisions to create good union jobs manufacturing solar panels and wind turbines here in the U.S
  • 4 weeks of paid family and medical leave to care for a new child, to care for a family member, and to care for your own medical needs
  • Allowing Medicare to negotiate to reduce the prices for some of the most expensive drugs, including insulin
  • Expansion of Medicare to cover hearing services
  • An above-the-line deduction for the first $250 of workers' union dues, so that all union members will be able to access this benefit that was eliminated by the Trump tax bill
  • A payroll tax credit for local news journalists to help protect local news outlets that face threats from private equity firms looking to gut staff
  • An expanded and improved Trade Adjustment Assistance program to ensure that all workers are eligible for benefits if their jobs are offshored, including call center workers
  • $350 million in additional funding for the National Labor Relations Board (the federal agency charged with safeguarding workers’ rights)
  • Access to high-quality preschool and childcare
  • An extension the current expanded Child Tax Credit for a year and making the refundability permanent
  • A 1% surcharge tax on corporate stock buybacks so that the wealthy pay their fair share

This is Good for working people.

Vote result:

YEAs: 220 | NAYs: 213
Legislator Sort descending State District Party Vote
Rep. Suzan K. DelBene WA 1 Democrat Yes
Rep. Antonio Delgado NY 19 Democrat Yes
Rep. Val Demings FL 10 Democrat Yes
Rep. Mark DeSaulnier CA 10 Democrat Yes
Rep. Scott DesJarlais TN 4 Republican No
Rep. Ted Deutch FL 22 Democrat Yes
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart FL 26 Republican No
Rep. Debbie Dingell MI 6 Democrat Yes
Rep. Lloyd Doggett TX 37 Democrat Yes
Rep. Byron Donalds FL 19 Republican No
Rep. Mike Doyle PA 18 Democrat Yes
Rep. Jeffrey Duncan SC 3 Republican No
Rep. Neal Dunn FL 2 Republican No
Rep. Jake Ellzey TX 6 Republican No
Rep. Tom Emmer MN 6 Republican No
Rep. Veronica Escobar TX 16 Democrat Yes
Rep. Anna G. Eshoo CA 16 Democrat Yes
Rep. Adriano Espaillat NY 13 Democrat Yes
Rep. Ron Estes KS 4 Republican No
Rep. Dwight Evans PA 3 Democrat Yes
2021 House Key Votes
  1. Confirmation of Janet Yellen as the Secretary of the Department of Treasury
  2. Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act
  3. NLRB Joint Employer Congressional Review Act
  4. Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act
  5. Equality Act
  6. Protecting the Right to Organize Act - Motion to Recommit
  7. American Rescue Plan Act
  8. Protecting the Right to Organize Act
  9. For the People Act
  10. Protecting the Right to Organize Act
  11. Raise the Wage Act
  12. Families First Coronavirus Response Act
  13. Expanding Access to Capital Act
  14. CARES Act
  15. Confirmation of Nicole Berner to U.S. Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit
  16. Families First Coronavirus Response Act
  17. Paycheck Fairness Act
  18. American Rescue Plan Act
  19. For the People Act
  20. Congressional Review Act
  21. Confirmation of Katherine Tai as the United States Trade Representative
  22. Confirmation of Marty Walsh as the Secretary of the Department of Labor
  23. Confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
  24. Paycheck Fairness Act
  25. Congressional Review Act
  26. Default on America Act
  27. Confirmation of Gwynne A. Wilcox to the National Labor Relations Board
  28. Equality Act
  29. Paycheck Fairness Act
  30. For the People Act
  31. John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
  32. CHIPS and Science Act
  33. Confirmation of Jennifer Abruzzo as NLBR General Counsel
  34. Confirmation of Gwynne Wilcox as Member of the NLRB
  35. Confirmation of David Prouty as Member of the NLRB
  36. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
  37. Inflation Reduction Act
  38. DISCLOSE Act
  39. DISCLOSE Act
  40. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
  41. Build Back Better Act (BBB)
  42. CHIPS and Science Act
  43. Inflation Reduction Act
  44. CARES Act